* Recent Demos for starting:

* Dancing an impro with Laura Marelli, Mala Junta (2020 in Savona-Italy)
* Performance in Munich 2024 with Martha Giorgi (playlist)
* Performance in Lisbon 2024 with Janice Iandritsky (playlist)

* Browse the Videos grouped in PLAYLISTS (from Pablo´s youtube channel "pnkreloaded"):

some performances (16 videos)
workshops resumes (50 videos)
technique resumes (9 videos)
mixed arts (tango and non tango arts) (18 videos)

* Browse the videos with this INDEX to the Links to each video:
Performances / Workshops / Other arts / Pictures


videos from 2024:

* Pablo´s Performances 2024 playlist

* in Munich: Workshops (x6) with Adrienne Bortoli playlist

* in Munich: Workshops with Flavia Cristaldo (x2) playlist

* in Munich: Performance (x3) and Workshop of Tango Nuevo (x3) with Martha Giorgi playlist

* in Lisbon: Performance and workshops playlist

* in Buenos Aires: with Johanna Meabes Edition of clips

* in Barcelona: Workshop with Amaia Zugadi video1, video 2

Videos - Performances (from 2008 till now)

All the videos are in Pablo´s youtube channel "pnkreloaded".
All performances are improvisation (no choreography) and with not fixed partners.

Pablo & Laura Marelli (2020):
Dancing impro with Mala Junta (2020 in Savona)

Dancing Solo Mala Junta (2019 in Catania)

Pablo & Pauline Reibell in Stockholm 2019
Workshop, demo impro of "Alteraciones" (changes of direction) in Stockholm

Pablo & Elena Garis in Torino (3.2010):
dancing Piazzolla
dancing Chique
dancing Guapeando
dancing Palomita blanca (Vals)
Pictures of that performance


Impro with Nati La Rusa (in parco Gioeni - Catania 2019)

Dancing Solo with Rachmaninoff - free style improvisation (2019))


Pablo & Adrienne Bortoli in Munich (2012-2013):
Video Experimental between columns and steps (04.2012)
dancing Mala Junta (05.2012)
dancing Poema (05.2012)
dancing Milonga del 900 (05.2012)
dancing "A Evaristo Carriego" (11.2013)
Pablo and Adrienne´s workshops videos

Pablo & Diana Morris in Barcelona
In 2012:

dancing Niebla del riachuelo
dancing Malandraca
dancing J.S. Bach

In 2008:
Pablo & Diana Morris - dancing "Bruma" (2008)

Pablo & Frauke Nees:
dancing JS Bach - Classic Music
dancing Piazzolla (2.2010)
dancing "Chique" (2008)

dancing "Planosecuencia"
dancing Tango "Nochero Soy"
dancing Bruma (2008)

Pablo & Flavia Cristaldo (Munich 2010):

With "Mala Junta" orquestra,
01-Aug-2010, in DT01:
Zum (Piazzolla)
Romance de Barrio (Vals)

In Lachdach 02-2010:
dancing Piazzolla "Cite Tango"
dancing Troilo "Pajaro ciego"
dancing Pugliese "La Mariposa"

Pablo & Anna Zyuzina, Moscow 2018:

Pablo & Laura Marelli
Workshops in Genova 12.2013:
Dancing after the workshops (version youtube), (version veoh)
Workshop Sacadas from follower in the giro
Workshop Parada planeo (version youtube), (version veoh)
Workshop Giros

In 2020:
Demo with Mala Junta
Demo dancing without contact


Pablo & Eva Perez - at Internations JuanTangofestival Saar (16.06.2012):
dancing Mala Junta
dancing La Clavada

Pablo & Magali Nov/2010, in Buenos Aires - Tango

Pablo & Elfje Duchateau - in Antwerpen - Tango, Vals and Milonga (07.2010)

Drawing Ying Yang on the sand - Pablo & Eloixa (2005)

Social dance Pablo with Nancy

Playlist of 10 videos dancing only ALTERNATIVE music (piazzolla, classic, electronic, etc)

Browse ALL THE PLAYLISTS from the youtube channel from Pablo "pnkreloaded"

Videos of Workshops:

Workshop of "alteraciones" with Pauline Reibell, Stockholm 08-2019

Compilation of 5 lessons for advanced (April and May 2012) - Munich

Circular Colgadas in a private lesson (Magali assisting, Buenos Aires 2024)

Lessons in Munich Pablo & Adrienne:
advanced: compilation of 5 lessons (April and May 2012)
intermediates: giro sin fin (11.2013)
intermediates: boleos with milonguero footwork (07.2012)
intermediates: adornos (embelishments) in rebotes (07.2012)
intermediates: secuencia de ganchos (2013)
intermediates: pivots y volcadas (2013)
intermediates: 8 cortado + boleo (2013)
8 cortado simple (2014)

Learning by zoom online, trying the space and camera:
* dancing in your livingroom, reduced space
* presentation of online lessons with Laura Marelli (Italian)

Compilation of enrosques, giros and circular colgadas - from performances (short version in youtube)

Compilation of enrosques, giros and circular colgadas - from performances (longer version in veoh)


Pablo & Frauke Nees - Workshops:
WS - Dynamics in Giros (2010)
WS - Circular Colgadas (2010)

WS - Rotated Volcadas (2010)

WS - Ganchos colgados (2010)
WS - Soltadas (2008)
WS - Linked Ganchos

WS - Milonga (2009)

Workshops in Moscow 2018:

Back Sacada with Anna Ziuzina
Linear Boleos with Anna Ziuzina
Boleos with Mila Vigodova

Enrosque for leaders
Milonga with Vera
Soltadas with Vera
Rebotes with Mila Vigodova
Ganchos with Vera

WS - Special Ganchos - Pablo & Elena Garis (2010 in Torino)

WS - Alteraciones and Boleos - Pablo & Elena Garis (2010 in Torino)

WS - Ganchos Montados - Pablo & Bibiana Reynoso (2010 in Rome)

WS - no-traditional elements - Pablo & Pepa Palazon (2007 in Madrid)

Guided práctica in Tenerife with Maria del Carmen Vecino 2020

Workshops of Technique for men :
Enrosque and pivoting
, in Catania (2019)
Rebotes (bounces),
in Catania (2019)
Freezing in Positions, pivots, piques, boleo. Sequence, in Catania (2019)
Enrosque applied in couple with Adrienne (2015 in Munich)

Videos with "Enrosques":
Exercises of enrosques for men (to practice at home)
Enrosque for men, men technique applied in the giro
Workshop - Enrosques and Adornos - Pablo & Elfje Duchateau (2010)
Exercise - Enrosques for men (to practice at home, version 2)
Workshop of enrosques 2015
Compilation of only Enrosques - from performances
enrosques while waiting for a student

Worshops I took with Chicho:
Playlist of some workshops I took with Chicho Frumboli as student
Sequence with Sostenidas - Pablo & Maria Elena Ybarra (2011)
Advanced sequence with Soltadas, Boleos and Ganchos - Pablo & Ana Carla Romera (2012)
Two sequences with inverted roles - Pablo & Maria Elena Ybarra (2012)

All those videos and more in ONE playlist (50 videos)

Interview to Pablo about "alteraciones" after a workshop (in Freiburg 2016)


Other (non tango) arts Videos from Pablo

Acrobacies (jumping in the gym, in 2003)

Playing with the Thai spinning stick - Playlist of videos

Solo freestyle dancing Rachmaninoff

Skating (Roller Blading) - Playlist

Playing Piano: For Elise, Bach

Dancing a salsa (in a milonga of Buenos Aires, 2024)

Images / artworks created by Pablo (generated with Artificial Intelligence), published in Saatchi Gallery (browse collections)


Pablo & Elena Garis - Performing in Torino 2010 - Pictures
Pablo & Elena Garis Version 2
Pablo Misc Pictures
With Nati La Rusa 1
With Nati La Rusa 2


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