
Curriculum Vitae
(tango oriented)

Tango Teacher

Systems Engineer

, Español, Deutsch, Portugues, Italiano

Pablo is a tango teacher from Buenos Aires. He is known for his very dynamic and natural style of dancing: since 1995 and now for 29 years he has been exploring tango and now integrates different styles - nuevo and traditional characteristics. He teaches tango since 2004 in tours around the world every year. Being pedagogical, structured, clear and generous giving information with his own particular system of teaching – synthesis of constant learning from many Argentinean teachers like Chicho Frumboli, Gustavo Naveira, Gabriel Angio and Mauricio Castro. He has been traveling and teaching all around Europe in the last seven years. Pablo's motto is: "To enjoy more the social side of tango dancing, everything you learn should be practical and at the same time usable for improvisations at milongas."

Origin: Argentina, Buenos Aires.

: / Facebook: "Pablo Kliksberg - Tango".

Youtube Channel
: "PNKreloaded".


Dancing Tango since
: 1995 till now.

Teaching Tango since
: 2004 till now.

Videos from Pablo dancing Tango: Click here to watch

Languages spoken
: Spanish, Fluent English. Learning German and Italian.

Tango Studies
: The next teachers I name are because I took at least 3 years of lessons with each of them.
From 1995 till 2000 learning with different teachers like Gabriel Angio & Natalia Games, Horacio Godoy, Pepito Avellaneda, Luis Solanas, Melina Brufman, Dina Martinez, Gustavo Saez, among others.
From 2000 till now learning with Chicho Frumboli (with Eugenia Parrilla and Juana Sepulveda too), Gustavo Naveira (with Olga and Giselle), Mauricio Castro. Most relevant teachers actually Chicho Frumboli and Gustavo Naveira.
To watch videos these teachers (and other dancers) click here

Tango Tours
: From 2005 till now, every year was teaching Tango touring around 16 countries like: Germany, Spain, Belgium, Italy, England, France, Swiss, Norway, Holland, Poland, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Canada, Russia, Thailand, Sweden.

Tango holidays as organizer and teacher
: 3 times in Santorini, 4 times in Austria, Tirol, one time in Italy, Bolsena and one in Poland (Karpacz).

E-Learning course creator
: a complete program of "Mastering tango from your home" offering for all the levels many classes online and offline in videos together with Laura Marelli.

: as Engineer in Information Systems. From UTN-FRBA: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Regional Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2003.

Works in Informatics
: from 1996 to 2005 in Procter and Gamble Argentina, in IT support, systems analysis, programming.

Other knowdledge, activities, hobbies, and courses
: (click the links for demos). Salsa since 1995 (cuban and casino rueda), Thai spinning stick , Skating in line since 1993, martial arts: Kung Fu for 3 years, Capoeira for 1.5 years, Brasilian Jiu Jitsu for 6 months, Kali Filipino, Acrobatics for 1 year, Piano for 4 years , Yoga, creation of images/artworks with AI, among other things.

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